Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Some Ups, and Countless Downs ...

There have been a few times when we believed we finally "had a break" and that things were finally looking up and going our way only to be met with more resistance.  Things that seem to be a "no-brainer" were shut down by politics for some reason.

After numerous let downs and things "falling through" a letter was written to the Editor or several Chippewa County and area Newspapers.  I was Shocked that the Bloomer Advance ran the letter in its entirety.!/note.php?note_id=497165911144 Many good things came from the Editor choosing to print that letter.  Many questions were asked and WQOW TV-18 did an interview with family on the site where Russell's body was found.

Unfortunately this interview didn't collect the attention of any in law enforcement who could help us get to the bottom of what happened.  Several weeks later Fox 9 News in Minneapolis aired a two-part series that questioned the practices and even professionalism of the Medical Examiner who performed the autopsy on Russell.  It was in no way related to Russell's case, but suddenly we had more reason to believe NOW SOMETHING COULD and WOULD be done to get to the bottom of what happened to Russell.  During the time of this news, the story of a young man named Gregg Meissner was brought to my attention.  Here's a link to view should you have time:

The information pertaining to the Fox 9 News Interview concerning Dr. McGee was shared by MANY with the Chippewa County Sheriff, the DA, and many others ... all to no avail or concern of anyone with authority to re-open and investigate what happened to Russell ... I continue to wonder what it will take to get someone in authority to take us seriously and DO SOMETHING?!?!  You begin to wonder if the Pledge of Allegiance truly does apply to everyone ... "Liberty and Justice for All"  ... seems to me you have to have enough money or the right last name in Chippewa County in order to get "Justice for All".  I guarantee you that all of the fines Russell paid to Chippewa County for his many driving and other infractions are truly missed and the county would do whatever they had to to locate him if he had any outstanding fines while he was alive.  Now that he's gone and has no fines to pay, they won't spend a dime to find out what happened to him.  It's all about money, they can't "make money" on figuring out what happened to him, so finding out what happened to him simply doesn't matter to them ...

This is all I have for now ... please feel free to "follow" this blog or forward it to any you feel may have interest.

I pray for all ... that the Lord Bless and Keep you ...

~ Peggy ~

I Miss You Bud!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Ft. McCoy Criminal Investigation Division (CID)

In reviewing the Chippewa County Sheriff's Department (CCSD) Investigative Reports I saw that a Special Agent from Ft. McCoy CID had made contact with CCSD regarding Russell's death.

When I was able to make contact with Agent Wahl, I no longer felt like I was crazy.  After several calls with the Sheriff's Department, Coroner, ME and other people who treated us as if we were emotionally unstable people unable to accept this "terrible accident".  Our questions not only went unanswered, but were turned around on us to make it seem as if it was ludicrous that we would have such questions, let alone that we actually believed those in authority would have answers to those questions.

I explained to Agent Wahl who I was and why I was calling.  I told him that I just didn't understand how the investigation was over and that nothing more would be answered.  Agent Wahl said something to the effect of, "I'll be honest with you ma'am, it's all left me wanting as well."

Agent Wahl went out of his way to help me with suggestions on how to move forward, what to do to obtain additional reports and information.  Because Russell wasn't on duty or on Military property, CID did not have jurisdiction over his investigation, but they did contact CCSD and request all reports and info be forwarded to them.  Agent Wahl couldn't share with me what was contained within his reports and conversations with CCSD, but gave me all of the information I would need to request and obtain these reports through the Freedom of Information Act.  He then also gave me idea's on what he believed would help us get the case re-opened.  Once the case was re-opened by a law agency, that agency could then request the assistance of CID to investigate.  He also pointed out that often small counties do not have a budget for such investigations and that CID would cover the costs and actual investigation itself.

When this information was shared with CCSD we thought this was a "fix-all" for everyone.  No such luck!  According to the Sheriff, CID was welcome to come in and investigate, but CID would have to request to investigate.  The Sheriff refused to officially re-open the case and request CID to take over.  I've never understood this stance.  Why wouldn't CCSD "hand it over to CID"?  It wouldn't cost them anything and if they are SO CERTAIN that there was nothing more to be found, then why deny our request?  Whatever the reason; it's more important to CCSD than it is to satisfy the family's need for answers and closure.

When I received the CID reports I couldn't believe the differences between them and CCSD's investigative reports.  According the CCSD reports, the Lead Detective in Russell's case was told there was no need to respond to the scene of death, only about 15 minutes after the Sheriff arrived on scene, because there was nothing suspicious.  Yet the Sheriff reported in a News Interview that this was being treated as a crime scene and criminal investigation.  The CID report indicated that one of the Sheriff's Detectives stated that the detective (the detectives name was "blacked out" in the report so I do not know for certain that it was the same Lead Detective or another detective from CCSD) didn't believe that Russell could have fallen down the hill as the investigative report stated because there were too many trees that would have stopped his body before coming to the stop at the location in which he was found.  Yet this point has never been investigated.

Agent Wahl suggested that once I received the CID reports from FOIA that I take all of this information to WI state representatives, congressmen, etc.  Every agency I turned to including the WI Department of Justice could not be of assistance because none of these agencies have jurisdiction over a county agency.  Are you serious?  So a Sheriff's Department, ran by a mere man, doesn't honestly answer to anyone?  If anyone questions him, it's completely at his discretion as to how to proceed?  He answers to no-one?

Sadly, that is one of the few concrete answers that have come of all of this.  The Sheriff has some sort of unlimited power in the county and no-one in or near the county wishes to challenge him because of it.  Aside from wanting answers, justice and closure in the death of my nephew, there is another, secondary goal to our quest for justice.  And that is to get the law(s) changed so that the Sheriff is not an "all-powerful" individual who simply must be a politician in order to maintain his job.

Praying that each of your needs are given up to the One Who can and will ensure they are met.

~ Peggy ~

Please feel free to follow this Blog and share it with any whom you feel may have interest.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Medical Examiner and Sheriff

Not long after my conversation with the coroner, I got in contact with the Medical Examiner who performed Russell's Autopsy.  He was quite kind, patient, and took the time to answer all of my questions and explain anything I didn't understand.  He was sure to point out that this was PROBABLE Hypothermia due to Exposure.  He said that no, that he wasn't 100% certain that it was Hypothermia, however with the tests they did perform it was consistant with Hypothermia.  I asked about the "accidental" vs "undetermined" cause of death on the death certificate and was told that was not his call, but the coroners call.  I asked about the marks and wounds I had read about in the autopsy pertaining especially to his lower back.  In the autopsy, it was refered to as "abrated tissue".  (Keep in mind that at this time we did not have photos to compare the autopsy and other reports to).  The best comparison he could give me was that of "road rash".  I asked him specifically about these wounds because in speaking with the Coroner she stated, "the only marks I couldn't explain that he had were the two on his back.  I asked the Army if they could have been caused by wearing a backpack the wrong way, but the Army said no".  The sheriff had told my dad that there were two "insignificant puncture wounds on his back" which my dad and many of us, believed to be something like Russell having sat on a nail or something.  Suddenly, the explanations of these wounds greatly varied depending upon which "professional" you spoke to about them.

In this phone conversation with the ME, he also stated that while none of the other wounds (including those on his back) were the CAUSE his death, they were CERTAINLY Indicative of what he experienced and went through prior to his death.  Still, no one in authority has ever attempted to investigate or determine the causes of these other wounds and markings all over his body.  The autopsy and other reports stated that the wounds and markings on Russell were consistent with a fall or tumble down the hill.  While reading all of these reports and listening to what those in authority were telling me, there just wasn't "enough" ... of anything.  It simply did not make sense that the things we were reading and being told was enough to cause and explain his death.  Many of us have felt all along that there HAD TO BE MORE TO IT.  And it has never made sense that we were the only ones who were questioning what the "findings" were.

After receiving the first set of reports from the Chippewa County Sheriffs Department (CCSD) and realizing that it was not all-inclusive, it took several phone calls and requests before I could get the "approval" to receive this information.  The sheriff called me at one point to find out what exactly I was asking for.  I told him I wanted everything they had to include cell phone records, bank records, investigative reports, inventory lists, etc. absolutely everything they had.  A short while after that, he asked if I also wanted the autopsy photos.  I said yes, I want everything.  Upon receiving the remaining reports and CD with photos on it, I saw that the CD I had was labeled Disc 2.  I then made another call and asked that the other CD be sent to me as well.  Finally, I had received "everything" CCSD had.

It was quite a while before I actually viewed the photos of my nephew.  I was asked by several friends and family members to not do so.  My husband had looked at them and had shown me a few that didn't show his face so that I could see what some of the things refered to in the autopsy.  When I did finally view these pictures I was horried at what had been explained to me as "road rash" and "insignificant puncture wounds".  If these were consistent with a "fall or tumble" down the hill, why wasn't there any leaves, or wood bark, or grass and dirt, etc. in, on and all around these areas?  These were most certainly extremely painful wounds that would have affected his being able to walk.  You would have definately noticed him limping or favoring his body had these wounds been present to whatever had been the beginning of his demise.

In other conversations with the Sheriff, not only between the sheriff and I, but my dad and the sheriff as well, our questions were never answered.  They were turned around and he asked us what we thought happened.  He has always acted as though it was completely normal to find a 20 year old, militarily trained, young man in the best shape of his life lying at the bottom of a hill for "no apparent reason" and allowing hypothermia to set.  The investigate reports even stated that a "brush pile" in the area near his body looked to be "a shelter Russell was trying to build".  Really?!  In all of your years in law enforcement, we are supposed to believe you when you "speculate" that Russell attempted to build a make shift shelter, and yet didn't make one move to get up the hill, to his car to save himself from freezing to death?  I don't think so ... Everything Russell would have needed to save himself was in that car ... and alot of what should have been in his pockets were on the dash of his car ... his cell phone, wallet, pocket knife, lighter.  And he had a duffle bag full of warm clothing.  Yet NONE of this seems ODD to anyone in authority who say they have investigated this case.  What a sad day it is that things to blatantly out of place, and ridiculous are not questioned by those who have the authority to do something about it ... how sad is it that family members have had to investigate and uncover all of these descrepancies and to only be treated as clueless, insignificant, emotional family members who do not matter because they don't have the right last name, or enough money to matter!?!?  This is absolutely outrageous.

I will end this post here ... and continue at a later time.  I pray each of you put your faith and trust in God and let Him guide you and keep you, for in All things, He is faithful.

Wishing you all a great weekend,
~ Peggy ~

Feel free to become a follower or share this post with anyone who may have interest.
My apologies for any and all mis-spellings and / or grammatical errors...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Our Search Begins ... The Detectives & The Coroner

Calls were made to the Investigators assigned to Russell's case.  It was around June 2010 when I first had a conversation with someone in the Chippewa County Sheriff's Department (CCSD).  I explained who I was, and asked where the investigation was at this point.  At first I was told that I had been given, or was relaying, bad information because they had "exhausted" all leads.  After further conversation, it was apparent this individual was quite defensive to my questions.  After explaining some of the things he had done, and while asking him questions related to what he had just told me, he stated, "I don't know who you are though."  I told him I had explained who I was, I was Russell's aunt, his mother's sister and because I lived in TX and not able to verify all the information I did have, I wanted to speak directly with those in charge of this investigation.  He said something to the effect of, "Well you say that, but on the phone, how do I know you are who you say you are?"  I then asked what it mattered, and if I couldn't just be a concerned citizen just searching for the answers?  He said it absolutely because in a case like this when we don't know all of the circumstances, it did matter what every person said and did when referencing this case.  The conversation continued a bit further and then for the next few days, I left several un-returned phone messages.  I had requested all of the investigative reports and other such information surrounding his case.  I never did get a return call.  I finally called a general phone number and spoke with an administrative person who told me what was needed to get this information.  I requested that everything they had be sent to me.  When I received the reports, there were several things mentioned in the report that were not included in the package I received.  I made note of the individuals, agencies, etc. mentioned in the reports I did have, and then made another phone call to request the remaining information that had been referenced.  I requested the phone and bank records, as well as an inventory listing of what was in his car, the pictures referenced and any other reports and information they had not provided, be sent to me.  In this phone call I was told that I would have to request the information through a Captain and that he would have to okay this request.  I made the phone call to that individual, and ended up leaving a message with my request of information.

I noted in the Investigative reports that the Ft. McCoy CID (Criminal Investigation Department) had requested information from CCSD since Russell was a National Guardsmen and that they were going to perform a "shadow investigation".  I also noted who the Coroner was and made a phone call to her.

I was shocked by her ... unprofessionalism.  I explained who I was and asked what findings lead her to label Russell's death as "Accidental".  She said to me in a very abrupt, aggresive voice, "It ain't murder!"  I was caught off guard.  I told her that I didn't say it was, that I was just trying to make sense of the autopsy and police reports and rather than asking other individuals about her findings, I was calling her about them.  She then asked me, "What do you want it to be?"  I have never understood this question.  Several of the people I have asked questions of, those in authority over this case, have all asked a variation of this question.  Of course I explained to her I wished that it wasn't anything, that my nephew was still here and that I didn't have to ask these questions.  Obviously, after all of this time, I do not recall the exact timing of the conversation of what was said in what order, other than I do know what her first words were about it not being murder.  There was never any alcohol or drugs found in his toxicology report, and we have since determined that the last time someone recalls seeing him was likely confused about the actual date because the rest of the information we have gathered and confirmed, does not make that date possible.  She said something about it being at night, and I asked why she thought it happened at night.  She told me it was because he left the bar drunk and went out there.  I asked how she knew he went out there straight from the bar since he had been missing for several days at least before his body was found.  She said that she didn't know anything about him being missing, that no one had told her that part.  Then she corrected herself and stated that yes she did know he had been missing.  That didn't change her mind about him being out there at night and she was quick to point out that he was probably drunk (that the alcohol could have metabolized by the time the toxicology tests were taken) and fell down the hill and never woke up before hypothermia set it.  I asked her about different aspects of the report as the CCSD had reported it as well as how she and CCSD worked together in comparing notes, reports, etc.  I don't recall the exact question I asked her that had to do with something the report said that contradicted what she was saying and I asked how that could be the case and she said, "That's not my problem, that's up to the police to figure out."  I asked how that was possible if they didn't compare their findings, etc. and things never did get answered.  She stated the only thing she could/would change was the death certificate from "Accidental" to "Undetermined".  A request was made in writing to have this change made, however it went unanswered ... by her as well as by the CCSD.  I sent the request to CCSD as well because I wanted to know if the death certificate was changed to Undetermined, would they re-open the case?  That question has gone unanswered as well, and the death certificate has not been changed to Undetermined that I am aware of.

If this and future postings sound like there's really not much to them, and like I'm making too big of a deal out of things, I would ask that you take into consideration that there is much more information available than I am able to post.  The actual reports themselves cause sooo many questions and concerns and it would take quite a large posting for each item I try to explain.

May God grant you all the blessings He knows you have need for and direct you in all that He would have you do.

~ Peggy ~

As always, feel free to become a follower and to share this Blog with any who you believe would have interest.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The days follwing November 10, 2009

As you can imagine, they were somehow a blur, yet forever etched in my mind. I kept thinking that I would soon wake up and this would all just be a horrible nightmare that wasn't real. I believe that I still have not yet truly grieved the loss of Russell; there are just too many things that are unanswered.  My faith has been challenged during this time.  I know all of this is God's Plan, and that Russell is with Him and has no worries any longer, and is in a better place.  I also know that God calls upon us to seek answers, that we don't have to just accept what those in "authority" tell us, that He will give us the knowledge and discernment needed to seek the Truth.

Even in the days following the discovery of Russell's body, things simply didn't seem right.  For a while, I attributed this feeling to just not being able to accept his death.  That something this tragic had truly happened to my family.  Still there has always been this nagging feeling that, at first was a whisper, but has increasingly become a louder and louder scream saying, something is not right ... there HAS to be more to all of this.

One of the first things that struck me as odd (though it wasn't readily clear to me then) was that in the several days in which I had been in WI, not once was there ever anyone from the sheriff's department in our presence.  The sheriff stated in an interview with WEAU TV 13, that this was being treated as a Criminal Investigation.  If they were investigating, they should have definately had a presence around all functions of Russell's wake and funeral, maybe not "obviously" noticeable, but there in some capacity none the less.

Then of course, there is the anonymous letter that showed up.  The letter accusing an unnamed sheriff's deputy of having tasered younger men / boys in the area and leaving them to suffer.  There was also the fact the the Sheriff's department released Russell's car and belongings to family only two days after his funeral.  There was a Private Investigator hired as well, who didn't turn out to investigate much of anything (in my opinion) and who basically warned us to "not make waves" or "question the sheriff's department in anyway" until he had his chance to speak with them.  For months, there were questions we had, but didn't ask, believing the investigator was "doing something".

We also had thought that possibly, there was alcohol involved ... and even though the toxicology reports came back negative, maybe in fact it had metabolized.  But, in our own questionings and searching and investigation since that time, it has been proven that no one had seen him drinking, or had been with him drinking, and there was no evidence of alcohol in or around the scene, his car or anywhere else.  All along, something has been nagging me ... things just don't add up ... something is definately not right.

Still, it wasn't until late May 2010 that I found a voice ... the strength and courage to make some phone calls of my own and kick off what has now become the search for truth ... for answers; for accountability and the call to find Justice for Russell.

I pray peace, strength, happiness, wellness and love for one and all.  May God Bless you and Keep you always, in Jesus' Precious Arms ...

~ Peggy ~

As always, if interested in this blog, please become a follower and share it with those you feel would be interested as well.

Friday, January 14, 2011

It was around November 5th, 2009

When I discovered that Russell was missing.  I had looked at a Facebook posting of my nieces and saw that she has asked if anyone had seen him.  I made a call to her and found out it wasn't a joke.  I began plastering the same request to help find Russell on my Facebook page, as well as emailing everyone in my address book to help expand the search for him.  So many people did so many things to help get the word out and to search for Russell.  For that, we are all so very thankful.  There are so many people out there whom we may never even know about who did something to help in this search.  For those known to us as well as those unknown, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you.  Your efforts are greatly appreciated.  Of course, we were all hoping that he had picked up his bonus check that he was to receive for completing Basic & AIT training and had went to Atlanta as he had mentioned to some friends.

It was November 10th when a family friend had found a way to get airplanes up in the air and to search the Chippewa County Forest.  This individual is the person who got the Chippewa County Sheriffs Department (CCSD) out of their office and to actually search for my nephew.  Had it not been for this man, I doubt this search would have taken place when and how it did.

Still, as it happened, family members, friends and even strangers were already out in the Chippewa County Forest searching the area in which was known to be a favorite hunting spot of Russell's.  And, it was family members who found Russell's car.  They yelled and did a nearby search for him, and called CCSD to let them know the car had been located.  They then went out to the end of the "trail" awaiting the arrival of CCSD.  The family saw that Russell's cell phone and wallet were on the dash of his car.  Surely he wouldn't have gone too far without these items.  There were posts made on Facebook and the hope and excitement was running through all of us.  For whatever reason, it never occurred to me personally of what the turn out would be after finding his car.  When I read these words on Facebook; "RIP Russell Plummer" I dropped to my knees.

I was at work, in Texas, 1000 miles away from my family experiencing the worst tragedy I can ever remember.  Money was extremely tight for us, so I travelled to Wisconsin alone in order to do whatever I could to help my family, and to be able to say Good-Bye to Russell; or as I had called him his entire life, "Bud".

This is all I can post at this time without becoming too emotional, so I am going to end this post at this time and will continue at another time.

As always, I pray peace and blessings upon you all.  May God provide for whatever need you may have.  Also, if interested in this Blog, please feel free to become a follower of it and share it with any you may believe would be interested.

~ Peggy ~

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Russell's Return from AIT Training in Aberdeen Proving Grounds - Oct 2009

It was on or about October 22nd, 2009.  My family and I flew into MSP airport to attend my nieces wedding.  It just so happened that Russell graduated from AIT and made arrangements to fly into MSP on the same day so he could return home with us in time for his sister's wedding, in which he was a groomsmen.

When Russell moved on to his AIT training he was able to have his cell phone.  It was likely out of being bored, but he began calling me (as well as many other family and friends I am sure) and I got to know my nephew better and grew so much closer to him.

Anyway, Russell's flight landed several hours before ours and he was waiting for us when we went to claim our luggage.  I'm not certain what I expected; but what I saw brought forth emotions galore ... all of which I tried to "hide" because I was certain he wouldn't think much of my bawling like a baby.  First, this wasn't my nephew I saw ... this was a man!  A grown man in his camoflauge uniform.  My heart swelled when I saw him.  I was so proud to see him in that uniform ... our family is so very patriotic anyway, and the fact that I too had spent quite a bit of time in the Army just tightened the bond I felt with him.  Then, as we were walking out to find a rental car, to see individuals stop him, shake his hand and thank him for his service to this country just added to the overflow of emotions.

We were able to spend the evening with Russell.  Got a hotel room to stay in for the night and then would head out the next morning to Wisconsin for the beginning of the wedding festivites.  I will never forget those few precious moments that we spent with Russell; that I believe God granted us in His all knowing way; that allowed these to become Treasured Memories and moments in time that we had with Russell.

The next few days sped by all too quickly.  There are so many awesome conversations, hilarious antics and  several interactions that took place between Russell and so many of his family and friends ... What a Blessing it was that so many were able to see, talk to, catch up with, and hug this young man at his sisters' magical wedding.  I believe her Wedding was also all in God's design to give so many of us those cherished moments with Russell.

I would love to have those of you interested in keeping up with this blog, to become a follower.  I pray blessings from God to touch each of you in whatever ways He knows you have need.

~ Peggy ~